Pattaya International Church
We believe…
…in the only true, triune God, the Almighty Creator, existing eternally in three Persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - full of love and glory, holiness and righteousness.
…in the absolutely and wonderfully unique Divine inspiration, the complete and entire trustworthiness and authority of God’s inspired, inerrant Word, the Bible that is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that those belonging to God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
…in the tremendous value and dignity of all humanity, created in God’s image and likeness to live in love and holiness, but utterly alienated from God, and from one-another, due to man’s sin and guilt, and therefore justly subject to God’s righteous wrath.
…in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, fully human and fully Divine, Who lived on earth as the perfect example, Who assumed God’s judgment due sinners by dying on Golgotha’s cross in our place, and Who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as only Savior-and Lord.
…in justification by God’s underserved and unmerited grace to all who truly repent and put all their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
…that salvation and making a decision and commitment to follow Jesus Christ is merely the beginning of our spiritual life, that we are continually in a process of becoming increasingly Christ-like, maturing as Christians, to the Body of Christ, and the Kingdom of God here on earth.
…in the indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit Who gives to all believers a new life as well as a new calling to serve God humbly and obediently.
…in the unity of all believers in Jesus Christ, manifest in worshipping and witnessing Churches, making disciples throughout the entire world.
…that when life, as we now know it, ends here on earth all humanity will have an eternal home - those who are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ, Heaven, and those who are not, eternal separation from God.
…in the victorious reign and future personal return to the world of Jesus Christ, Who will righteously-and justly judge all people, giving those unrepentant over to eternal damnation, but receiving the redeemed into life everlasting.